Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

LET us pray hard, very hard, that conservative blogger Andrew Sullivan is very wrong in his analysis of what Roger Ailes is up to. A quotation:
This new political-media conglomerate endorses a supreme executive unrestrained in his or her conduct of the war against Islam (for that is the real import of the Giuliani complaint), and empowered to seize anyone anywhere and torture them in the name of national security. It is also critically connected to the settlement movement in the West Bank — for Palin's vision of more and more Jewish population expanding outwards in that region is part of the plan for the End-Times. Hence its belief in waging war on Iran.

Non-believing people have a hard time swallowing all this. It seems so wacko. Religious people who have had any experience of fundamentalism in their lives know it all too well.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that Ailes and Murdoch's hubris is greater than you imagine. They have no interest in the GOP at this point- they want to start their own party. Why have third party candidates failed in the past? Lack of name recognition and a platform that presents them as a viable alternative to the Democrats or Republicans. Mr. Murdoch now has himself a potent media empire, both in print and on television, and a telegenic candidate who can turn a large segment out to the polls- especially since he will protect her in his media cocoon and away from evil trick questions, like, "What do you read?" She won't have to go through the bruising primaries. She'll at least get invited to debates hosted on Fox. Since Fox News is the voice that speaks to the base of Republican voters, no Republican will be able to overcome her propaganda advantage. 2012 will see Sarah Palin run for something called either The Conservative Party or The Tea Party. Depends on which one the marketing execs choose.
