Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

MAYBE we can't build a railroad anymore, but at least Apple makes a really good computer.

IF you don't know what the word "glocal" means, The Economist explains.

Speaking of global stuff, Tom Friedman provides a sensibly rational analysis. A quotation:
... both major parties have now completed their primary 20th- century missions, first laid down by their iconic standard-bearers. The real question is which party is going to build America’s bridge to the 21st century — one that will strengthen our ability to compete in the global economy, while practicing much more fiscal discipline.

1 comment:

  1. From the article:""Even if an agreement is reached for China to build and help bankroll a high-speed rail system in California, considerable obstacles would remain.

    China’s rail ministry would face independent labor unions and democratically elected politicians, neither of which it has to deal with at home. The United States also has labor and immigration laws stricter than those in China.

    In a nearly two-hour interview at the rail ministry’s monolithic headquarters here, Mr. Zheng said repeatedly that any Chinese bid would comply with all American laws and regulations.""
    When we owe these guys a trillion dollars,you will learn the phrase "money talks" means just that.Good-buy union protections and safety standards.Hello high -speed death machines.
