MY God, what are "get-government-off-our-backs" Republicans coming to? Why, we've go Newt demanding Obama "save the Louisiana coast, save the fisheries, save the wetlands." We've got a California Repub demanding he use "the full force of our government." Romney demands "a leader" (like Stalin, maybe?)
Fortunately, the Chicago Tribune's Steve
Chapman gently points out the slime-ball hypocrisy of the right-wing crowd that passes for the Republican Party these days.
THIS rainy, muggy June so typical of the Mississippi Valley sprouts some odd creatures in the front yard.
Seriously Joe,you think O's boys weren't taking contributions and then looked the other way? What inspectors were supposed to be on the sea floor to check the blowout preventor? If they exist,they were sitting at their desks,yoo-hoo in hand,looking at some beach babes on the internet.Who was watching them? I agree that casting stones at O is petty,but the same happened to Bush,and to cry foul is childish, at best.
ReplyDeleteDon't disagree that there's enough hypocrisy to go around. Obama's big mistake in this was in not shaking up the minerals management outfit when he first took office and separating fee collection from oversight — firing a couple of guys now is not enough. I suspect, though, the oil lobby owns enough congressmen from both parties to keep anything substantial from happening.