Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

PERHAPS Gail Collins is the only pundit who so thoroughly understands the gleeful stupidity of our politics as theater of the absurd.

"woman with blue hair" (2009) monotype with pen and ink


  1. That looks really nice. How long does that take you? Also inspiration? I'm thinking you saw her at a morning "coffee circle" at the local hardees ;)

  2. Actually, this copied and enlarged by paper from a sketch done by my son from a childhood photograph of my mother.

  3. Let me try this again: I copied and enlarged a sketch done by the son on tracing paper. I printed the background on one run through the press; then inked the plate in black and placed the paper on the plate printed side down and with a blunt instrument traced the image on the back of the paper, which picked up the ink and created the sketch image. It was faint so I added pen and ink lines. It also has a heavy coating of archival acrylic spray varnish.
