Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

HERE'S a poignant comment on Bob Herbert's column in Tuesday's New York Times, from Cdr. John Newlin, USN (Ret.) of Vista Calif.:
The Republic is being beleaguered by two potent forces. Together they just might send this country of ours permanently over the cliff. One is racism. Stop and think about it. About 95% of the angry shouters at the town meetings and "tea parties" are old. 50+ or more. You don't see many young people raising their voices in protest. There is a much deeper current of racism that courses through the older generation of Americans than anyone realizes. The Republicans know that and have tapped into it in a way that has everyone circling the wagons. A black president just won't do, don't you know? They have managed to translate the fear and uncertainty that attends the economic hardships brought on by the recession into fear and mistrust of a black President. It's sad, but as Edith Ann was wont to say, "It's the truth."

The second is money. The health insurance and pharmaceutical industries are hitting the Senate and Congressional Wal-Marts buying Senators like Baucus and Conrad like candy kisses. Until the money is eliminated from American politics, there is little hope of the kind of civil and sane political "log rolling" needed to solve our enormous problems.

Yes, we need help, Mr. Herbert. But from where? From whom? The older generations are too permeated with racism to put aside their fears and the 20-somethings that were a major force in electing President Obama are too concerned with avoiding the N1H1 virus at their colleges and worried to distraction about getting and holding a job when they graduate.

Where indeed, Mr. Herbert, do we seek the help we so desperately need?
Where's the artwork, someone asked? Gotta take some more photos, when I get a chance. In the throes of organizing stuff and working on a tedious encaustic piece.

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